🎡 Carol Chronicles : A Festive Q&A with Martin Dear Conductor of the Blockley Blokes Choir! πŸŒŸπŸŽ…

Step into the festive symphony with the Blockley Blokes Choir! In this exclusive Q&A with Martin Dear (Blockley Blokes Choir’s own Conductor), we are exploring the magic behind the BBC’s Christmas carol performances. From the meticulous selection of tunes to the harmonious challenges he faces, Martin tells us all about the secrets, passion, and joy that resonate in the Blockley Blokes Choir's world of seasonal carols.

How do you choose the repertoire for your Christmas carol performances, and what are some of your personal favourite carols to sing during the holiday season?

M.D.: Selecting our Christmas carol repertoire is a delightful process. We like to strike a balance between pieces sung solely by the choir and those where our wonderful audience can join in the festive fun. The mix varies based on what the organisers want. Our musical treasure trove begins with our library, but we also find inspiration from platforms like YouTube and ChoralWiki. I've even been caught jotting down carols from other concerts that caught my ear as potential additions. Personal favourites? Well, I could go on and on, but let's just say I have a soft spot for those that evoke that warm holiday magic.

In your opinion, what makes Christmas carols so special, and why do you think they continue to bring joy to people around the world year after year?

M.D.: Christmas carols are a magical force. They're not just songs; they're celebrations of joy and bearers of hope. Aside from nursery rhymes or β€œHappy Birthday to You” songs, they often mark our earliest musical memories, from Primary School Nativity Plays to our own children's renditions. For many, like myself, hearing our grandchildren sing classics like Silent Night is a heartwarming tradition that transcends generations.

What’s the most challenging aspect of performing Christmas carols, and how do you prepare to ensure your voices are in top form for these festive performances?

M.D.: Putting on a concert has its challenges! Ensuring each carol suits our unique voices can be a puzzle, with considerations like the elusive top B flat for the tenors or making sure the baritones have their time to shine. It's a delicate balance. We prepare diligently, making sure each voice is comfortable with their part, especially given the occasional absences (like George in Spain all December!). It's all about finding that perfect harmony both in voices and arrangements.

What are the key elements for a successful carol performance?

M.D.: A successful carol performance is like crafting a fine masterpiece – it needs to feel fresh, even if it's a well-loved classic. The 2 minutes and 30 seconds we spend singing a carol might be someone's first introduction to it, so we approach each rendition with enthusiasm. Clear words, smiles, and (of course) a watchful eye on the conductor are crucial ingredients. It's challenging but essential to make each performance feel like a joyful discovery.

Are there any new or creative ways that the Blockley Blokes Choir plans to add a fresh twist to this year’s Christmas carol performance at the Old School?

M.D.: For our upcoming concert at St Lawrence, we're aiming for a heartwarming reunion, using carols as the common thread to bring everyone together. No gimmicks – just the pure joy of Christmas music performed by the choir, with four chances for our audience to join in on some well-known carols. We've got the words covered, so all you closet tenors in BotH, come out and join us. It's going to be a festive fun at its best, and we hope to see you there!

The Blockley Blokes Choir Christmas Carols event will be held at St Lawrence Church, Bourton on the Hill on Friday 15th December at 7.30pm. They will not perform in Blockley this year, so this is your only chance to catch them. Tickets are available from the Blockley shop or from Anne Robertson.


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